Hader Walter, Saskatoon, SK, Canadá
OBJETIVO: . Para determinar la utilización y comparar los resultados de las personas con discapacidad en el DMD de recaída-remisión de esclerosis múltiple más de diez años
ANTECEDENTES: Los efectos beneficiosos de los fármacos modificadores de enfermedad (DMDS) en la disminución de los ataques y la reducción de lesiones cerebrales en la esclerosis múltiple se ha informado anteriormente. Sin embargo, los resultados relativos a los resultados de la discapacidad y la reducción de la progresión de la enfermedad en los más breves ensayos pivotales plazo y menos estudios más largos son variables y no concluyentes. DISEÑO /
Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de etiqueta abierta cohorte de 262 pacientes clínicos definidos, 78 hombres y mujeres 184, con dos ataques en los últimos dos años y un nivel de discapacidad DSS ≤ 5.5 se incluyó de forma consecutiva a partir December1977-noviembre de 1999 y un seguimiento durante doce añosel diseñados estudio cuenta con la aprobación ética y el consentimiento de un cuestionario form.A línea de base y base de datos se completó, y anuales evaluaciones neurológicas se registraron. El fármaco fue elegido para el tratamiento a la discreción del paciente y el médico. Las razones del cambio de drogas y la suspensión fueron tabulados. Un ananalysis descriptivo de la cohorte y los resultados individuales de las drogas fueron los resultados performed.The fueron comparados con estudios de historia natural de la esclerosis múltiple.
RESULTADOS: A los 10 años 72/262 (27,5%) permanecieron en la prescripción inicial, y 64/72 (89,9% ) fueron DSS ≤ 3,0. 126/262 (48,1%) habían seguido un medicamento (incluidos los 54 interruptores), y 136 (51,9%) había interrumpido con una duración media de 55,5 meses. Al inicio del estudio 232/262 (88,5%) fueron ≤ 3,5 DSS, y disminuyó a 126 (43,5%) a los 10 años. 59/262 (22,5%) que abandonaron el tratamiento fueron DSS ≤ 3,0, 24/262 (9,2%) fueron DSS3.5-5.5, y 37/262 (14,1%) fueron ≥ 6.0 DSS Tres pacientes tuvieron fallecido. Los niveles de DSS de DMDS individuales se registraron. 30/131 (26,9%) Betaseron, 28/102 (30,4%) Copaxone, y 14/28 (50%) de Rebif se mantuvo en la receta inicial. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio no es compatible con un impacto beneficioso de las DMDS en la reducción de la progresión de la enfermedad en la esclerosis múltiple en el largo plazo. Con el apoyo de: El Plan de Drogas Saskatchewan y Beneficios Extendidos.
Categoría - MS y Enfermedades Relacionadas: Clínica Ciencia Lunes, Abril 23, 2012 14:00 Esclerosis Múltiple: P01: Sesión de medidas de resultado (2:00 pm-6: 30 pm)
[P01.152] The Disability Outcomes of Disease-Modifying Drugs in Multiple Sclerosis
Walter Hader, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
OBJECTIVE: To determine the utilization and compare the disability outcomes of the DMDs on relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis over ten years. BACKGROUND: The beneficial effects of the disease-modifying drugs (DMDS) in decreasing attacks and reducing cerebral lesions in Multiple Sclerosis has been previously reported. However the results related to disability outcomes and the reduction of disease progression in the shorter term pivotal trials and fewer longer studies are variable and inconclusive. DESIGN/METHODS: A prospective open-label cohort of 262 clinical definite patients,78 men and 184 women, with two attacks in the past two years and a disability level DSS≤5.5 were enrolled consecutively from December1977-November 1999 and followed up for twelve years.This designed study has Ethics approval and a consent form.A baseline questionnaire and database was completed, and annual neurological evaluations were recorded. The drug chosen for treatment was at the discretion of the patient and physician. The reasons for drug switching and discontinuation were tabulated. A descriptive ananalysis of the cohort and individual drugs outcomes were performed.The results were compared to natural history studies of Multiple Sclerosis. RESULTS: At 10 years 72/262 (27.5%) remained on the initial prescription, and 64/72 (89.9%)were DSS≤3.0. 126/262 (48.1%) had continued on a drug (including 54 switches), and 136 (51.9%) had discontinued at a mean duration of 55.5 months. At baseline 232/262 (88.5%) were DSS≤3.5, and decreased to 126 (43.5% ) at 10 years. 59/262 (22.5%) that stopped treatment were DSS≤3.0, 24/262 (9.2%) were DSS3.5-5.5, and 37/262 (14.1%) were DSS≥6.0 Three patients had deceased. The DSS levels of individual DMDS were recorded. 30/131 (26.9%) Betaseron, 28/102 (30.4%) Copaxone, and 14/28 (50%) of Rebif remained on the initial prescription. CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support a beneficial impact of the DMDS on the reduction of disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis in the longer term. Supported by: The Saskatchewan Drug Plan and Extended Benefits.
Categoría - MS y Enfermedades Relacionadas: Clínica Ciencia Lunes, Abril 23, 2012 14:00 Esclerosis Múltiple: P01: Sesión de medidas de resultado (2:00 pm-6: 30 pm)
[P01.152] The Disability Outcomes of Disease-Modifying Drugs in Multiple Sclerosis
Walter Hader, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
OBJECTIVE: To determine the utilization and compare the disability outcomes of the DMDs on relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis over ten years. BACKGROUND: The beneficial effects of the disease-modifying drugs (DMDS) in decreasing attacks and reducing cerebral lesions in Multiple Sclerosis has been previously reported. However the results related to disability outcomes and the reduction of disease progression in the shorter term pivotal trials and fewer longer studies are variable and inconclusive. DESIGN/METHODS: A prospective open-label cohort of 262 clinical definite patients,78 men and 184 women, with two attacks in the past two years and a disability level DSS≤5.5 were enrolled consecutively from December1977-November 1999 and followed up for twelve years.This designed study has Ethics approval and a consent form.A baseline questionnaire and database was completed, and annual neurological evaluations were recorded. The drug chosen for treatment was at the discretion of the patient and physician. The reasons for drug switching and discontinuation were tabulated. A descriptive ananalysis of the cohort and individual drugs outcomes were performed.The results were compared to natural history studies of Multiple Sclerosis. RESULTS: At 10 years 72/262 (27.5%) remained on the initial prescription, and 64/72 (89.9%)were DSS≤3.0. 126/262 (48.1%) had continued on a drug (including 54 switches), and 136 (51.9%) had discontinued at a mean duration of 55.5 months. At baseline 232/262 (88.5%) were DSS≤3.5, and decreased to 126 (43.5% ) at 10 years. 59/262 (22.5%) that stopped treatment were DSS≤3.0, 24/262 (9.2%) were DSS3.5-5.5, and 37/262 (14.1%) were DSS≥6.0 Three patients had deceased. The DSS levels of individual DMDS were recorded. 30/131 (26.9%) Betaseron, 28/102 (30.4%) Copaxone, and 14/28 (50%) of Rebif remained on the initial prescription. CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support a beneficial impact of the DMDS on the reduction of disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis in the longer term. Supported by: The Saskatchewan Drug Plan and Extended Benefits.
Category - MS and Related Diseases: Clinical Science
Editado por escleron, Viernes, 2 de Marzo de 2012, 15:43
Editado por escleron, Viernes, 2 de Marzo de 2012, 15:43
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